
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
This week, join me, my sister Jessie, and Em as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind!
Don't forget to check out our completed grids over at GriddyFilms.com/NittyGriddy. Also, for more information on the Griddy Films grid rating system, check out GriddyFilms.com/TheGrid.
Next Episode: February 18, 2019 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with guest co-host Trystan (for real this time)!
You can find Griddy Films on Twitter and Instagram, @GriddyFilms, and you can email us at GriddyFilms@gmail.com. Don't forgot to like, share, review, and subscribe to Nitty Griddy Reviews on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts! We'll give you a shout out in our next episode to celebrate you and your support of the show. Thank for listening!

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Marvel Monday - Doctor Strange
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
It's Marvel Monday! Join me, Trystan, and Bryan as we talk about Doctor Strange, ragamuffin chic, glitter eyes, finger tutting, and more!
Don't forget to check out our completed grids over at GriddyFilms.com/NittyGriddy. Also, for more information on the Griddy Films grid rating system, check out GriddyFilms.com/TheGrid.
Next Episode: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with guest co-host Trystan will be posted on Friday, January 11!
Next Marvel Monday episode: Monday, March 4, 2019 - Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2!
You can find Griddy Films on Twitter and Instagram, @GriddyFilms, and you can email us at GriddyFilms@gmail.com. Don't forgot to like, share, review, and subscribe to Nitty Griddy Reviews on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts! We'll give you a shout out in our next episode to celebrate you and your support of the show. Thanks for listening!

Friday Jan 25, 2019
Swiss Army Man
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
This week, join me and my sister Jessie as we talk about the fart drama Swiss Army Man, an awards bait version of White Chicks, and the fine line between cool and stupid. We also talk about a farting corpse. A lot. Because, you know, it's the farting corpse movie.
Don't forget to check out our completed grids over at GriddyFilms.com/NittyGriddy. Also, for more information on the Griddy Films grid rating system, check out GriddyFilms.com/TheGrid.
Next Episode: February 1, 2019 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with guest co-host Trystan!
Next Marvel Monday episode: Monday, February 4, 2019 - Doctor Strange!
You can find Griddy Films on Twitter and Instagram, @GriddyFilms, and you can email us at GriddyFilms@gmail.com. Don't forgot to like, share, review, and subscribe to Nitty Griddy Reviews on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts! We'll give you a shout out in our next episode to celebrate you and your support of the show. Thank for listening!

Friday Jan 18, 2019
10 Things I Hate About You
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
This week, join me, my sister Jessie, and my mom Melissa as we celebrate 20 years of 10 Things I Hate About You! We talk about '90s teen stars, midriff-showing fashion, Shakespeare, and more!
Don't forget to check out our completed grids over at GriddyFilms.com/NittyGriddy. Also, for more information on the Griddy Films grid rating system, check out GriddyFilms.com/TheGrid.
Next Episode: January 25, 2019 - Swiss Army Man with guest co-host Jessie!
Next Marvel Monday episode: Monday, February 4, 2019 - Doctor Strange!
You can find Griddy Films on Twitter and Instagram, @GriddyFilms, and you can email us at GriddyFilms@gmail.com. Don't forgot to like, share, review, and subscribe to Nitty Griddy Reviews on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts! We'll give you a shout out in our next episode to celebrate you and your support of the show. Thank for listening!

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Marvel Monday - Captain America: Civil War
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
It's the season 2 premier of Nitty Griddy Reviews and the first Phase 3 Marvel Monday review! Join me, Trystan, and Bryan as we talk about young, hot Aunt May, bowling with Vision, and Black Widow's magic hairspray! I also make things weird by talking about how much I love Vision's dapper street clothes.
Don't forget to check out our completed grids over at GriddyFilms.com/NittyGriddy. Also, for more information on the Griddy Films grid rating system, check out GriddyFilms.com/TheGrid.
Next Episode: Flashback Friday double feature! Reviews of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (co-host Trystan) and 10 Things I Hate About You (co-hosts my mom, Melissa, and my sister, Jessie) will both be posted on Friday, January 11!
Next Marvel Monday episode: Monday, February 4, 2019 - Doctor Strange!
You can find Griddy Films on Twitter and Instagram, @GriddyFilms, and you can email us at GriddyFilms@gmail.com. Don't forgot to like, share, review, and subscribe to Nitty Griddy Reviews on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts! We'll give you a shout out in our next episode to celebrate you and your support of the show. Thank for listening!

Friday Jan 04, 2019
Leon the Professional
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
This week, I'm joined by Dustin of Movie and TV Throwbacks with D to talk about the 1994 action film Leon: The Professional! We talk about the ick factor, Natalie Portman, and did I mention we talk about Natalie Portman? Don't forget to check out Dustin's podcast and follow him on Twitter, @HangingWithTheD!
Next episode: Season 2 of Nitty Griddy Reviews premiers on Monday, January 7, 2019 with Marvel Monday - Captain America: Civil War. Then, the podcast moves to the new every other Friday schedule beginning Friday, January 11, 2019! Keep an eye on GriddyFilms.com for a schedule of upcoming episodes, coming soon!
Follow Griddy Films on Twitter and Instagram, @GriddyFilms!
Support Griddy Films at Patroen! http://www.patreon.com/griddyfilms
Email Griddy Films at griddyfilms@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Overall Enjoyment & Extra Credit Mini Episode
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
In the interim between seasons one and two of the podcast, Trystan and I are picking apart the 10 categories of the grid. In this episode, we talk about Overall Enjoyment and Extra Credit. What movies would get a perfect 10 for you? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook @GiddyFilms or shoot us an email at GriddyFilms@gmail.com.
Season two returns with all new movie reviews on January 7, 2019 - don't forget to subscribe on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts to make sure you don't miss an episode.
Follow Griddy Films on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! @GriddyFilms
Support Griddy Films at Patroen! http://www.patreon.com/griddyfilms
Email Griddy Films at griddyfilms@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Impact on Film Mini Episode
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
In the interim between seasons one and two of the podcast, Trystan and I are picking apart the 10 categories of the grid. In this episode, we talk about Impact on Film and debate the value of this category. What movies would get a perfect 10 for you? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook @GiddyFilms or shoot us an email at GriddyFilms@gmail.com.
Season two returns with all new movie reviews on January 7, 2019 - don't forget to subscribe on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts to make sure you don't miss an episode.
Follow Griddy Films on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! @GriddyFilms
Support Griddy Films at Patroen! http://www.patreon.com/griddyfilms
Email Griddy Films at griddyfilms@gmail.com

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Aesthetics Mini Episode
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
In the interim between seasons one and two of the podcast, Trystan and I are picking apart the 10 categories of the grid. In this episode, we talk about Aesthetics by giving examples of movies that would get good and bad scores and talk about our favorite genre aesthetic. What movies would get a perfect 10 for you? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook @GiddyFilms or shoot us an email at GriddyFilms@gmail.com.
Season two returns with all new movie reviews in January 2019 - don't forget to subscribe on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts to make sure you don't miss an episode. Also, more mini episodes will be posted in the interim so keep an eye out for those!
Follow Griddy Films on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! @GriddyFilms
Support Griddy Films at Patroen! http://www.patreon.com/griddyfilms
Email Griddy Films at griddyfilms@gmail.com

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Sound Mini Episode
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
In the interim between seasons one and two of the podcast, Trystan and I are picking apart the 10 categories of the grid. In this episode, we talk about Sound by giving examples of movies that would get good and bad scores and talk about great uses of songs in film. What movies would get a perfect 10 for you? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook @GiddyFilms or shoot us an email at GriddyFilms@gmail.com.
Season two returns with all new movie reviews in January 2019 - don't forget to subscribe on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts to make sure you don't miss an episode. Also, more mini episodes will be posted in the interim so keep an eye out for those!
Follow Griddy Films on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! @GriddyFilms
Support Griddy Films at Patroen! http://www.patreon.com/griddyfilms
Email Griddy Films at griddyfilms@gmail.com